_________________________________________________________________________________________ RB Benson & Co , Inc
Emergency Management Agency ( FEMA ) regulations . We ’ ve lifted a number of houses to make them compliant and depending on the construction this often requires a full renovation and sometimes even a total rebuild .”
Award-winning construction
One of the business ’ recent successes in Westport is Authors Way . Rick provides some context : “ It ’ s a unique four-and-a-half-acre property near the center of the town with a storied history . It was owned by A . E . Hotchner who was a good friend and biographer of Ernest Hemmingway . He was also close to
Paul Newman and helped create Newman ’ s Own Foods and their Foundation . It has a very rich heritage which the name Authors Way nods to , so it was quite a coup to get the property .
“ The original house was built in the early 1900s and when A . E . Hotchner died at the age of 102 the house had already been falling into disrepair for 20 years or so . We ended up demolishing the house , putting in a new road and building four beautiful new luxury homes . Much of this happened during Covid so it attracted a lot of families from New York who wanted more space and were drawn to our school system , the beaches and everything
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