Modern Home Builders Issue 136 December 2024 | Page 64

that Westport , Connecticut , has to offer . It has become a charming , small community . The first house we built there was recognized by HOBI ( Home Building Industry ) as the Best $ 4M Custom Home in Connecticut in 2023 . The entire subdivision has also been recognized as the Best Pocket Community in the state by the 2024 HOBI Awards .”
Community legacy
An example of RB Benson over-delivering a project with challenging objectives is the renovation and transformation of his local church . Rick details the process : “ Greens Farms Congregational Church is the oldest colonial era church in Westport . The congregation dates back as far as 1711 , but when the British arrived in 1779 the church was burned down . It was rebuilt in 1789 and lasted until being hit by lightning in 1849 . The current church was then built
on the same site . Over the years , there was hurricane damage that started to threaten the steeple . When we took on the renovation the congregation wanted a new organ , to rearrange the position of the choir , to create a first-floor fellowship space , and bring the building up to current fire code . This was easier said than done . It required removing the whole front and back of the church and roofing over a former exterior memorial garden , installing new code compliant stairs , stair lifts , and a fire sprinkler system . Due to the historic nature of the structure , and a complete lack of existing floor plans , the project ended up being a ‘ design-build ’, where we were designing as we progressed .
“ We restored the original colonial architecture , rebuilt the stained-glass window and the ceiling of the sanctuary . All new wiring went in as well as new HVAC systems , and the courtyard was incorporated into the building
At the Interstate Design Centers , we know your home isn ’ t just a house , it ’ s a work of art so give it the frame it deserves with windows and doors by Marvin .
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